Rhea Ripley, a renowned WWE star, recently sent a heartfelt message to her real-life husband Buddy Matthews, also known as Darby Allin, ahead of his critically acclaimed match at AEW Full Gear. Matthews, a rising star in professional wrestling, was set to compete in a Fatal Four-Way match on the preshow, facing off against formidable opponents Dante Martin, Komander, and The Beast Mortos.
As Matthews prepared to take to the ring, Ripley took to social media to share a photo of her husband in his prematch gear, accompanied by a tongue-in-cheek SpongeBob SquarePants sticker featuring the infamous “licking” meme. The sticker, which has since gone viral, was undoubtedly meant to convey Ripley’s deep affection and unwavering support for her husband. However, the post sparked a mixed reaction among fans, with some critics accusing Ripley of being overly provocative on social media.
Despite the backlash, Ripley’s relationship with Matthews has been an open book for some time. In an interview with Logan Paul on the IMPAULSIVE podcast, Ripley candidly discussed how Matthews had no qualms with her recent storylines involving Dominik Mysterio. She praised Matthews for being completely comfortable with her professional endeavors and for helping her grow as a performer.
Ripley’s comments on the podcast served as a testament to the strong support system she enjoys in her personal life. Ripley and Matthews have been a couple since 2020, even after Matthews’ release from WWE in June 2021. The duo tied the knot in a private ceremony five months ago, with Matthews being heavily involved in the planning process.
While their relationship is not without its challenges, particularly in light of their differing contracts with WWE and AEW, Ripley’s message to Matthews before his AEW Full Gear match served as a powerful reminder of her commitment to supporting him and being a part of his professional journey. The post demonstrated the couple’s remarkable bond and the level of trust and understanding they share with one another.
In an era where professional wrestlers often face incredible pressures and demands, the love and support between Ripley and Matthews is a beacon of hope and inspiration. Their relationship serves as a shining example of what it means to be a supportive partner, and fans are thrilled to see them thriving both personally and professionally.
As two individuals who have dedicated their lives to the world of professional wrestling, Ripley and Matthews have managed to maintain a strong connection despite the numerous challenges they face. Their love and support for one another are a testament to the enduring power of relationships in the face of adversity. In the end, Ripley’s message to Matthews was a poignant reminder that, in professional wrestling, love and support can be just as important as a well-executed suplex or a cunning wrestling strategy.