The once-unbreakable bond between Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, and Big E, also known as The New Day, has come to an abrupt end. In a supriseing turn of events, Kofi and Xavier turned their backs on Big E, leaving many wondering what led to this sudden betrayal.
According to reports, Kofi and Xavier’s decision to part ways with Big E was due to the latter’s unavailability when the duo was dealing with turbulence and conflict. Despite being a formidable tag team, The New Day’s relationship had been strained for months, and it seems that Kofi and Xavier finally reached a breaking point.
The betrayal has left fans reeling, but rumors are circulating that Kofi and Xavier may be planning to take their actions to the next level by aligning with a 36-year-old star, Ridge Holland. As the man responsible for Big E’s prolonged absence from the ring, this could be a move designed to rub salt in the wounds of their former brother.
However, this prospect seems unlikely, given that Ridge is currently focused on his NXT Championship aspirations. Moreover, it appears that Kofi and Xavier’s motivations were not driven by a desire to mock Big E’s injury, but rather a sense of disappointment and anger due to his absence during a critical time.
In the aftermath of this supriseing betrayal, it’s possible that Kofi and Xavier may set their sights on the World Tag Team Championship, traditionally a coveted prize for The New Day. With their newfound unity, they could challenge Finn Balor and JD McDonagh for the title and potentially dethrone The Judgment Day.
As The New Day navigates this new chapter, fans are left wondering what the future holds for the legendary tag team. Will they find success in the tag team division once again, or will their actions have far-reaching consequences that could impact their legacy? Only time will tell.